Labor Music for my baby son-Thor

因為國外很多電子報建議媽咪們可替自己準備好在生產時要聽的音樂,可以分散注意力使自己處於較輕鬆的環境。所以,我找了些網路上推薦的歌曲,再加上自己平時喜愛的歌。當然囉,在這之前,我問過了醫師,醫師說OK, 基本上產房本來就會放音樂,不過要自行準備也是可以的,產房的音響是要CD格式,so, 在我被推入產房的同時,我也將CD交給了護士。我的歌曲清單:

1. In My Life by Beatles'
2. Seasons Of Love from movies "Rent"
3. Get the Party Started by Pink
4. I'll be there for you by Bon Jovi - Thor好像是這首歌還是下面的The Luckiest時"蹦"出來的 ~
5. The Luckiest by Ben Folds
6. Piano Sonata No.8 in C Minor by Beethoven
7. Lynard Skynard by Freebird
8. I'm Coming Out by Diana Ross
9. The First Cut is the Deepest by Sheryl Crow
10. Ma Jeunesse by Clara Bruni
11. Keeps Getting Better by Christina Aguilera
12. A Moment like this by Kelly Clarkson
13. Brother Louise...........
........................................因為我選了太多歌,(共42首) 根本不可能聽完,所以約需準備10來首就夠了.